Life of the Party hardbound, full-color, 200 page book with 600 photos on the visual history of the S.S. Adams Prank and Magic company. I generated all content- photography, copy, layout, and cover design. Graphic novelist Chris Ware contributed the foreword. Praise for 'Life of the Party' “...let’s face it...the fly in the ice cube was lame. But this book is awesome.” -McSweeny’s Paul Collins for The Stranger “You will spend hours soaking up the thousands of images in this unbelievably rich and beautifully-produced “Visual History.” If you’re lucky, you may even find yourself curled up under the sheets with a flashlight and a magnifying glass, feeling just like a kid again.” -PES, director and animator “This book? This book is a JOKE. When I opened it, it played a trick on me: instead of a breezy light-hearted look at novelties, it buzzed in my head and revealed itself as the heartbreaking secret history of twentieth century America that it actually is. Oh, and it's gorgeous too. Tricked again.” -Chip Kidd, Graphic designer, author of The Cheese Monkeys, and Batman Collected “For those of us who believed the Adams catalog gave us a passport into social success for the coming adult world, The Life of the Party is a revelation. A wonderfully obsessive compilation. This is as painful and hypnotic as a book of broken promises.” -Glen David Gold, author of Carter Beats the Devil “...a terrific visual history of this curious living fossil of a company.” -Mark Frauenfelder, BoingBoing.net Endorsed by J.J. Abrams in Wired Magazine